Vision and Mission

  1. To impart higher education to all segments of society with special emphasis on the students of socially & economically backward sections of the society.

  2. To impart value-based education.

  3. To increase literacy level among the women by providing educational facilities leading to women empowerment,

  4. To enhance the spirit of Nationality, National Integrity, and inculcate high moral values.

  5. To provide guidance for competitive exams and ensure all-around personality development.

  6. To develop social concern and civic responsibilities among the upcoming talented youth.


Core values of the Institution:

 Government Degree College for Women, Madanapalle acknowledges that an educational institution should have its respect in those principles and ideas which have sustained the Indian heritage for centuries and which account for its undiminished charm. The values that the college tries to inculcate in the minds of its learners are:

  • Respect for Indian culture

  • Tolerance and peaceful coexistence

  • Social Responsibility

  • Empowerment of the students

  • Adoring nature for what we owe to her

  • Live and let live

  • Concern for the disadvantaged and the otherwise abled.



Strategy Development and Deployment