Consumer Club - Profile


A Person who buys any goods or services for a consideration that has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment is a consumer.

Consumer Club:

To disseminate information gained through consumer clubs among their fellow students as well as among the people living in their respective locality to organize and actively participate in consumer protection programs organized in college as well as in the locality to observe National Consumer Day and World Consumer Rights day.

 Mission Consumer Club:

 To Enable students understand fundamental rights of a citizen

To enable students realise and learn the fundamental duties of a good citizen 

To inject knowledge on product standards, products quality and about markets 

To Learn about laws exacted for protection / welfare of consumers and enforcement authorities concerned 

To import knowledge on product standards, product quality and about markets 

To learn about sustainable consumption noms and implement then in real life

To build a base of enlightened citizen customers as the foundation of future India


Consumer Rights are many (as laid down in the Art and UN Convention)

i)         Right to Safety                                 ii)        Right to Information

iii)        Right to choice                               iv)        Right to representation

v)         Right to redressal                          vi)        Right to Consumer Education

vii)        Right to Healthy Environment   viii)       Right to satisfaction of Basic Needs

   World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated based on former American President John.F.Kennedy’s announcement of March 15th as Consumer Rights Day on March 15th 1962.

  Subsequently in the year 1973, March 15th was proclaimed as world Consumer Rights Day.

  Students may be asked to explain what each right means to them. Voluntary Consumer Organizations representatives can highlight with examples.

  National Consumer day is celebrated on December 24th every year as the Consumer Protection Act 1986 came into force on 24.12.1986 across India.