Since mathematics plays such a key role in the physical, biological, and social sciences, the Calculus courses are useful to students who plan careers in these areas. The Department of Mathematical Sciences has been participating in teaching at undergraduate level in a diverse range of mathematical topics for BSc students. The Department of Mathematics currently offers 3 year Bachelors in Mathematics program & followed CBCS system. The core courses taught during three years of BSc program in first five semesters are:

            1. Differential Equations,

            2. Solid Geometry,

           3. Abstract Algebra,

         4. Real Analysis,

         5. Ring Theory & Vector Calculus,

         6 Linear Algebra.

For 6th semester open Electives: (any one)Laplace Transforms; Numerical Analysis; Number Theory and Cluster Electives: Integral Transforms, Advanced Numerical Analysis & Project work or Principles of Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics & Project work or Graph Theory, Applied Graph Theory & Project work.

The Department of Mathematics seeks to provide quality education aimed at preparing high caliber professionals capable of achieving success and contributing to the development of the country in line with an ever-changing world. The mathematics program is designed to achieve the following Program objectives:

1. Provide students with definitions of fundamental concepts and the major theorems of the core areas of undergraduate Mathematics.

2. Develop students’ ability to construct mathematical proofs.

3. Train the students to analyze and interpret statistical data related to real-life problems.

4. Train students to formulate and evaluate the feasibility of a problem-solving strategy.

5. Develop students’ ability to communicate mathematical/statistical results in written and oral forms.

6. Train students to design and implement algorithms for solving real-life problems.